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Saturday, 4 April 2020

Ain't you Responsible too? COVID19 Message

Ain't you Responsible too?

Author: Priya Shankar

India, as we know is the largest democracy in the world. 

Democracy - By the people and For the people. 

There ain't a single election where we could, without any chaos in our mind could decide 'Undoubtedly, this Party has worked out really hard to build my country'. 
Every time it is the same blame game : The government doesn't work; The politicians don't work blah blah and blah.

Let's have a reality check: The world as we all know is in chaos now. The COVID-19 pandemic has almost destroyed the entire world economy or rather to be more specific the entire world and not just the economy.China, where it all started took a very long time to accept and act about the outbreak and so did the majestic and the ever fantasized USA. These two leading nations ignored the severity of the disease and are facing the consequences. Of course not to forget the mess Italy and most of the European nations are in. Who do you think is responsible for this?

You would say, it is the government's negligence.

In India, COVID-19 was first detected in the end of January 2020. Since then the Indian government promptly took various measures, the international flights were monitored,the travelers were monitored. The awareness campaigns strengthened up.
As and when there was increase in number of effected people many more steps were implemented by the government starting from VISA cancellations for international travels, international flight cancellations then to domestic flight cancellation.

Many state governments planned and implemented the lock down even before the entire nation went into the complete lock down. These decisions were spontaneously taken by the Indian government without any delay in implementation than in any of the countries.

Yet we see the exponential surge in the number of cases everyday. Indeed why would it not?

  • If you went out panicking to buy vegetables and groceries to stock up into a shop already full with people panic shopping stuffs.
  • If you went strolling in your garden downstairs, thinking this is not going to affect your health and you have a better immunity.
  • If you continued to party and attend mass gatherings thinking lock down to be a vacation for self relaxation;
  • If you think self isolation and social distancing is not your kind of practice.
  • You have failed the nation.

If you still think this won't effect you just give it a thought. As some casualties increase, you will be forced to be home for coming weeks, the sinking economy will nowhere build up soon until everyone starts working. 
As the number of cases increase the nation will turn into a mess like Italy is now. Even the doctors and front-line workers will be helpless and so would be the Indian Government.

Even if you would blame this to be the someone else's fault, deep down you would realize if you would have just co-operated and acted responsibly. We as a nation have 10 more days until April 15 2020 to stop being ignorant and step up to the Nation's well-being and this time we cannot blame the government and certainly this would be us!

Think, Decide, Act.

Stop COVID19
Extremely proud to see the Indian Government taking prompt measures for the citizens. I thank all the people co-operating and helping the nation in the own possible way they can. Stop spreading unwanted chaos and fake forwards.

It is never late. Let us all stay home and stay safe.

Note: Please support the less privileged by any possible means you can. Some links that you could find helpful :