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    Execise Daily to keep your self fit and strong

  • Say NO to Junk Food

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  • Follow Three E’s to stay healthy and fit

    1-.Eating Right 2-Exercise Regularly. 3-Everyday active.

Monday 10 April 2017

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water

Ah, the humble lemon. We at Bright Side are big fans of this little yellow fruit — so unassuming, yet with so many unexpected uses. Not long ago we reported on what happened when we drank water with warm honey and lemon every day for a year — and the results were fascinating.


As if you needed any more convincing that starting your day with a glass of warm water and lemon was the way to go, we have compiled this ultimate list of health and beauty benefits that can be derived from lemon water.

Article Source : Read here

1: It works wonders for your digestive health

It is often said that a healthy digestive system is the cornerstone of good all-round health. Lemons are an important source of pectin fibre which is necessary for good colon health, so a glass of warm lemon water each morning acts as a kick-start for your digestive system, reminding it to eliminate accumulated waste from the previous day.

2: Lemon water = the original rehydrator

Centuries before energy drinks, rehydration salts, and glucose-electrolyte solutions flooded the market, lemon water was used as a highly efficient dehydration treatment. When we exercise we lose electrolytes (minerals including sodium, potassium, and chloride) through sweat — and whilst drinking water alone will re hydrate you, adding a few slices of lemon to the mix will speed up the process of re balancing the electrolytes in your body.

3: The eyes have it

Remember being told as a child that eating carrots would make you see in the dark? Well, there’s a new (age-old, actually) mantra in town. As a citrus fruit, lemons are packed full of Vitamin C and antioxidants which work together to form a protective effect against cataracts and macular degeneration. Drink up, kids!

4. For peachy soft skin, drink...lemons!

This one seems like it should be a no-brainer since we all know that staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is the number one thing you can do for your skin. Turn that water into lemon water, however, and you get supercharged benefits. Because lemons contain powerful antioxidants, you will notice a decrease in blemishes and wrinkles, and smoother, healthier-looking skin as a result of its detoxifying benefits.

5. Lemons are your liver’s best friend

Keeping your liver happy is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health, and drinking lemon water can help your liver function at a tip-top level. As well as flushing out toxins by enhancing the enzyme function, the citric acid found in lemons also helps dispel harmful bacteria.

6. Oh, you clever potassium

We all know about bananas and potassium, but did you know that lemons are also high in this essential mineral? Or that, as the third most abundant mineral in the human body, its importance is often underrated? Drinking lemon water will help ensure optimal heart, brain, kidney, and muscular function.

7. A lemon a day keeps the doctor away


Well, sort of. Whilst there is no cure for the common cold, it is certainly true that those who drink lemon water every day experience less colds, and with significantly shorter duration than those who haven’t yet discovered the benefits of lemon water. This is mainly down to the concentration of Vitamin C, the undisputed defender against viral infections and immune system weaknesses.

8. It’s an inflammation buster

Inflammation doesn’t only refer to the visibly, temporarily ’inflamed’ - your body’s natural response to injury. Chronic inflammation in the body is a key component in many serious illnesses and has been linked to excess acidity in the body. Drinking lemon water decreases your body’s acidity levels, which in turn assists your body in removing harmful uric acid which can cause inflammation.

9. Helps maintain pH perfection.


Given that lemons are, as a citrus fruit, acidic by nature, you might be surprised to learn that once absorbed into the bloodstream, lemon water actually has an alkalizing effect on the body tissue. Why is this a good thing? Whilst we need acid to aid in the digestion of food, it is important to balance our body’s pH levels as too much acid makes us prone to diseases from high cholesterol to diabetes.

10. ...all while boosting your metabolism

If you are looking to lose weight by making healthy, sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle, lemon water is the perfect accompaniment. Helping to increase metabolism, lemons also contain pectin fiber which has the effect of reducing hunger cravings.

11. So step away from the latte (with ease!)

Many of us rely on our morning coffee for a booster shot of energy, which makes us feel super productive until about 10:30a.m. when the mid-morning slump sets in. By replacing your morning coffee with a cup of warm lemon water for just two weeks, you are sure to feel so alert, refreshed, and all-round healthy that you won’t ever go back.

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Friday 24 March 2017

The Do’s and Dont’s of Losing Weight That Make Dieting So Much Easier

If losing weight were easy, nobody would be overweight. Every person’s body is different, and this holds true when it comes to embarking on a weight-loss journey as well. 

There is no one-fits-all routine when it comes to eating and working out to lose weight, but there are some general rules that everyone needs to know before starting their personal regimen. 

With so much information out there and plenty of misconceptions, we’ve rounded up some do’s and dont’s you should consider before starting any form of dieting to reach your goals.


  • Superfoods are the biggest key to quick and healthy weight loss. Superfoods are nothing but regular foods that have concentrated nutrients. They could be millets, seeds, certain grass varieties or even fibre-rich foods. Consume them in measured amounts every day and see your weight vanishing. Details about SuperFoods will be posted in later articles.


  • Always drink enough water. Many times thirst is masked as hunger. So when you are hungry, try drinking water first

  • Always preclude lunch with salads or chewy soups. You will be tempted to eat less of rice or roti or whatever is for lunch

salads before or after meal
salads before or after meal

  • Ensure all your meals have a protein source. If any meal is lacking in it, thrown in an egg or dal preparation.Whey protein shake helps in meeting your protein recommendations. Read Rich Protein Sources , Whey Protein
Protein- Diet
Protein- Diet

  • 1 day of the week can be designated as a cheat day. It will help you get back on your diet chart for weight loss! On a cheat day, do not overindulge on sweets or fried items. If you feel like it, have a small bite sized portion to simply curb the craving.


  • Never at any point during the diet, starve yourself.

  • Remember, short term thinking is not going to yield results. Hence, always focus on clean, healthy eating as suggested.

Saturday 25 February 2017

The 5 Most Common Training Mistakes for Runners

The 5 Most Common Training Mistakes for Runners

Original Article Source : Runtastic

Running in and of itself is pretty simple. However, if you have specific goals in mind for improving your performance and you want to beat your personal best at a particular race, then things start getting more complex. We have put together some useful information for you on how to avoid making the five most common training mistakes for runners.

Running Mistakes
1. Running only at a “feel good-pace”

Many runners train regularly and enthusiastically for a long time, but don’t understand why they aren’t getting faster. The reason for this is often the monotony of their training program. If you are running just for the sake of exercise, then training in your comfort zone is totally fine. But if you want to boost your performance and increase your speed, then you need to add some variety to your training routine. 

The most important factor for improving your performance is creating a training stimulus. Your body needs to be pushed out of its comfort zone (homeostasis) to kick-start the recovery/adaptation process that will make you faster. 

If you always run at the same pace, you will improve initially, but soon your body will get used to that effort level. The training stimulus will no longer be sufficient to trigger the adaptation process. 

That is why it is necessary to vary your training volume and intensity. You can spice up your training with different running workouts like intervals, tempo runs, hills or fartleks and thus force your body to constantly meet new challenges.

Running Mistakes

2. A lot helps a lot

This mantra is basically correct, but it also comes with certain risks. Professional runners do twelve or more workouts per week. It takes several years of intense training to build up the strength and stamina necessary to work out at such high volumes. 

Many runners increase the number of training sessions from one day to the next from one or two times a week to five or six times because they have recently decided to train for a marathon. 

But since the passive structures of the body (bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, etc.) require time to get used to the new loads, this often leads to overuse injuries. 
These include runner’s knee, shin splints and achillodynia (inflammation of the Achilles tendon). 

Therefore, it is important to give yourself enough time to prepare properly for the race. You should increase your training volume and intensity gradually and in accordance with your fitness level to avoid overtraining and overuse injuries.

Running Mistakes

3. False ambition in the last weeks before the race

Have you been working hard for weeks to get ready for a particular race only to stand at the starting line and realize that you don’t feel ready? Not exactly great conditions for running a new personal best. This mistake is due to false ambition in the last one or two weeks before the race.

 Many runners think they have to give it their all right up until the big race. But what they should be doing is the exact opposite: Tapering involves reducing your normal running volume by 30-50 % depending on your training age, your performance level and the distance of the race. 

At the same time, you should include one or two hard workouts to give your muscles one last intense stimulus to optimally prepare your body for the demands of the upcoming race. 

You should also avoid strength training and unfamiliar exercises in the last days before the race. Fatigued or sore muscles can quickly endanger your target race time.

4. Intense workouts without warming up

Unfortunately, the positive effects of warming up are often underestimated. In fact, a proper warm-up can help you set a new personal best, and should be a regular part of your training. 
Intense Workout

A good warm-up can lower the risk of injury especially for fast and explosive muscle contractions, as well as movements that require a high degree of flexibility. A number of scientific studies have shown that warmed-up body tissue is capable of tolerating more stress. Plus, warming up also reduces the risk of injury by improving your concentration and speeding up your reaction time.

5. Avoiding cross-training of any kind

Many running injuries are a result of muscular imbalances and underdeveloped back and abdominal muscles. That is why you should regularly incorporate runner-specific strengthening and stabilization exercises into your training routine. 
Cross Fit Exercise
Cross Fit Exercise

A strong core not only helps you run more efficiently, but it also eliminates compensatory movements, stabilizes your spine and prevents injuries and overuse symptoms.

If you avoid these training mistakes, nothing can really go wrong come race day  :-) We wish you the best of luck on your next race!

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