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    Execise Daily to keep your self fit and strong

  • Say NO to Junk Food

    Eat Clean and stay fit and healthy

  • Follow Three E’s to stay healthy and fit

    1-.Eating Right 2-Exercise Regularly. 3-Everyday active.

Thursday 10 November 2016

5 Things you should do before you go running!

5 Things you should do before you go running!

Any exercise is good exercise, but nothing can beat running when it comes to losing weight. Going for a run may sound very simple, but a lot is to be taken care of, before you actually go for a run.

It’s good to run fast, but imagine of you ran smart.

Milind Soman running
Milind Soman running (Pic Courtesy: India Today)

From eating a healthy snack to drinking ample amount of water, there are several pre-running rituals that you should follow.

1: Drink Water

This is one of the most important and known things that you should do before you go for a run. But only few of us do us in an appropriate manner.

Hydrating self is important but one shouldn’t overdo it. It is very difficult to actually calculate how much amount of water you need to drink, as it depends from person to person.


There are many things that need to be taken care of: like the weather and the distance you are planning to cover.

Do NOT over hydrate yourself, as it will cause stomach ache within minutes of running.

2: Stretching

Perhaps a light cardio or normal stretching exercise would do. You do not want to feel the stress in your muscles when you run.


This will result in further pain in your joints. Wear proper shoes, and always remember that running shoes are always light shoes. Running barefoot is more advisable if you are comfortable and have been practicing it!

3: Eat Well

Eating well before you go for a run is very important. Do not load yourselves with carbohydrates in one big meal, but instead, consume carbs the entire day.


You also need proteins for rebuilding the muscles and all aspects of normal body function. Try to stay away from spicy food, and add a healthy dose of vegetables.

4: Set a Goal


From a different place to the time of running, always run for a purpose. Setting a goal for yourself will help to achieve that goal more effectively. Because to get something, knowing what you want is very important.

5: Play Nice Songs

This one is optional! Sometimes some pump up song encourages us to go out and do some exercise. So play your favorite song, and get ready for some good running. Music will elevate your mood and your energy level.


But what most people do not know that listening to a good song actually maintains your heart rate.

Article Original Source : veritenews

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Tuesday 8 November 2016

Few Important tips, when you plan to cut down extra pounds of fat from your body.

Few Important tips, when you plan to cut down extra pounds of fat from your body.

 1:  Set a target of reducing weight on your priority list. Until you do not do  this, you have no chance of reducing weight.

Do what you like and like what you do. I have never liked to go on walk by waking early, so whenever i have started this i have failed miserably. For example:- suppose you like dancing then go for dancing, take aerobics classes for that.


 2: You have to change your eating habits, its the root cause of weight gain. Take 2000 calories (varies with your age) a day and you are safe and wont gain weight. Avoid high calories items. For example:

 a: Samosas has 200–250 calories
 b: Kaju barfi 200 calories
 c: 1 Chaptai 100
 d: Fruits 40–100 calories per 100 gm

 3: Now that you have limited consumption of foods. You can proceed with physical attributes which are

Choose any physical activities you like  badminton, tennis, walk, run, squash, dance gym etc.

Only 1 hrs a day is enough. You will sweat 200–500 calories which is enough. 500 calories shortage will reduce 1 pound of weight in 1 weeks, simple maths.

Be motivated all the time

 4: Few more advice that may expedite the growth of loosening fat.

  a: Every morning whenever you wake up, even before you go to pee, just drink at least half a litre of water. DRINK 3–4 litres of water in a day or till your pee comes white (till your pee is transparent). 
Your BODY STORES WATER WEIGHT OF 3–4 kgs. So if you are not water deficient your body will be assured and loose those waters. ITS TRUE

  b: Drink green tea in spite of tea in the morning time.

  c: Consume more of protein foods/ fibre fruits and less of oily foods. pulses, curd and salads should be included in lunch.

  d: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. You all have heard this. Reason to eat less at dinner is that your body repairs tissues while you r sleeping. Thus if you don't have enough meal than your body will take energy from your fats only

Believe in yourself , you can and you will.


Hope this articles will help and motivate in reducing weight , Please put your queries under comments section.

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Friday 21 October 2016

How to Maintain Weight: Not a Frequently Asked Question

How to Maintain Weight: Not a Frequently Asked Question
How to maintain weight is a very important question that sadly, is NOT asked by many. The normal trend in the fitness industry is to either ask ‘how to lose weight’ or ‘how to gain weight’. These general questions are then accompanied by a few other related questions. But very few ask about how to maintain weight.
Once you lose weight or gain weight, your happiness knows no bounds. But what about maintaining your weight? This is the simplest, yet, most difficult part.


Without wasting any more time, let us take a peek at the 7 aspects you need to keep in mind on how to maintain weight loss, and not allow the lost weight to creep in.
  • How to Maintain Weight #1: Continue Exercising

The most vital aspect of maintaining your weight is exercising, getting yourself involved in physical activities and staying active. Losing weight and being happy about it does not mean you will get back to your sedentary lifestyle and forget all about exercising. EXERCISING IS MOST EFFECTIVE FOR WEIGHT MAINTENANCE.
  • How to Maintain Weight #2: Careful Eating

Careful eating is the second-most vital aspect of maintaining weight. Whatever dieting you did for weight loss or fat loss, it has taught you food and eating management. Now, how to maintain weight would involve that knowledge and how you would keep following those guidelines told to you at the time of weight loss. No overeating, no filling yourself with food, no empty stomach for long.
  • How to Maintain Weight #3: Use Small Plates while Eating

Don’t start eating from big plates; it makes you eat more for sure. Keep the “small plate” eating habit and you can maintain your weight easily.
  • How to Maintain Weight #4: No Skipping Meals

Please don’t skip meals, especially breakfast. Don’t go back to your old practice of skipping breakfast, now that you have lost the desired weight. Make sure to eat 3 hearty meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner—in controlled portions, in moderation.
  • How to Maintain Weight #5: Water is your Friend

Do not forget to drink minimum 8 glasses of water on regular basis – be winter, be summer. This is a must. Water helps in getting rid of harmful toxins from the body and this is absolutely necessary.
  • How to Maintain Weight #6: Healthy Sleeping Pattern

To maintain weight, you need to fix a healthy sleeping pattern. Also, make sure your sleep timings do not fluctuate. For example, 10 pm to 4 am/5 am—try maintaining this time. Time fluctuations, over time, would cause unnecessary health issues.

Wrap Up

How to maintain weight is not an out-of-the-world task! MOTIVATION is the key. Keep yourself motivated all the time; don’t depend on others to motivate you. Then it will lead to your depression.
Article Original  Source:  OBESITY CENTRAL
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Thursday 21 July 2016

Fitness Mantra 24



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Tuesday 12 July 2016

Myths About Protein

Myths About Protein

In this article we will discuss about few myths that people are having regarding protein intake, hope this article will answers all their queries and helps in understanding the importance of protein intake for out body.


MYTH 1: Every protein is the same

No, there are so many types of protein at the molecular level (whey, casein, isolate, etc.) For instance: Quick-release proteins like Whey hit the muscles at a faster rate and are therefore quintessential for post/ intra-workout. Sustained-release proteins like Casein have a slower rate of absorption, hence recommended for intake at night.

MYTH 2: Protein is bad for the kidneys

Unless you are on a dialysis or devouring a full tub of protein powder each day, your kidneys will be fine. But, you need to drink a lot of water, when you are digesting a lot of protein. You must drink a good amount of water anyway.

MYTH 3: Whey makes you stink

Smelling bad from high protein, low-carb, low-fat diet does happen. But not due to whey. Your sweat may smell due to urea that your body excretes when you train hard. The best way to escape is to have a balanced meal- include fats and carbs in your diet.

MYTH 4: Weight-loss guarantee with protein

If you are not an active protein user, your body can break-down excess protein into molecular substrates that'll end up going through glycolysis just like carbs. And if you're not using it, it will end up at the same place. So you will get gains, but in your gut.

MYTH 5: Protein makes your bones weak

There are some rumors that protein makes your blood acidic which causes the calcium to leach from the bones, turning them brittle and more prone to injury. Turns out, it is completely untrue. A protein-rich diet has no effect on bone formation or resorption. In fact, it increases calcium absorption in the digestive tract, so as to promote calcium deposition in the bone tissue.

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Monday 20 June 2016

Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss

Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss

As most of us think weight loss and Fat loss are same, In both of the cases body weight goes down. But there is a huge difference between them one leads to positive impact on your body while other may leave a negative impact on your body.

In this article we will understand what exactly "Weight-Loss" and "Fat-Loss" means ? Are they both same? If not what’s the difference between them

Fat Loss Vs Weight Loss

If you ever had these questions, I’m sure after reading this post it’ll all be crystal clear to you. 

Let start with simple basic question about what is Weight Loss and What is Fat Loss?

Weight Loss: 
It is a process of decreasing your overall body-weight, i.e., the total weight of your bones, muscles, organs, body fat, etc. 

Losing Weight will leave you disappointed with your looks when you achieve your goal weight, your body will appear dull and your body will not be having enough energy 
what you need to perform day to day activities and you will feed tired early.

Fat Loss: 
It is also a process of decreasing your body-weight but here the Weight Loss occurs only because of decreasing your body-fat, i.e., the amount of fat your body carries. 

Losing Fat will improve your Looks and make you appreciate your body when you achieve your goal weight. Fat loss uses stored body fat for energy.

So if it really is weight loss vs fat loss then clearly fat loss wins without a competition. Now on to the next important question.

How to Make Sure You Lose Fat and Not Weight?


  • Eat at a deficit.
  • Hit your daily Micro and Macro requirements without fail.
  • Join a gym and start lifting weights.

Because Strength training will tell your body that you will be needing the muscles to do the lifting which in turn minimizes muscle from being burned for energy. 

So taking muscle out of the equation your body has no other option but to burn fat for energy. Thereby Fat Loss and Not Weight Loss. Getting the point here?

Strength Training also keeps you motivated and stick to your diet. You can do cardio to speed up fat loss. But without strength training, cardio will cause rapid muscle loss and you’ll end up becoming skinny-fat. So it’s best to avoid cardio during cutting phase.

Note: It is impossible to lose fat without experiencing minor muscle loss
Strength Training will only help you minimize muscle loss and there is absolutely no way you can build muscle during cutting phase(losing fat).  

Your body can only be in one state at a time, i.e., It can either be in Anabolic State which is gaining something(building muscle) or Catabolic State which is losing something(burning fat).

Hope this article helps and cleared all your doubts.

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Thursday 16 June 2016

Food For Weight Loss, Muscle Gain & Metabolism

Food For Weight Loss, Muscle Gain & Metabolism




















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