• Execise Daily

    Execise Daily to keep your self fit and strong

  • Say NO to Junk Food

    Eat Clean and stay fit and healthy

  • Follow Three E’s to stay healthy and fit

    1-.Eating Right 2-Exercise Regularly. 3-Everyday active.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Motivation Mantra #15

You Don't have to be great to start. But you DO have to start to be great.


Sunday 29 November 2015

10 Mantras to stay fit and healthy

Here are the top 10 Mantra that will keep you Healthy and Fit.

  1. Drink Lot of Water
  2. Do your Exercise
  3. Breather Fresh Air
  4. Go Outside when sun is out
  5. Learn to relax
  6. Eat Fruits
  7. Eat your vegetables
  8. Eat Whole Grains
  9. White if you choose meat
  10. Get to bed on time.
If you are looking for Diet plan  or Workout plan refer links..


Eat clean and stay healthy

Monday 23 November 2015

Perfect time to take Protein Shake...??

As most of the gym beginners have this same question, most of them are confuse when to consume protein shake for best results.

So guys here is the answer for your query

  • As we know your body need strength and energy for a best workout so having a protein before your workout will allow you to have more energy, resulting in your workouts feeling stronger, but you will not burn as much fat when you workout.
  • After your workouts, it is commonly accepted that your body acts like a sponge for about an hour while your muscles attempt to collect nutrients to repair what was torn down during the workout. That is why it is important to have a quality source of protein immediately after your workouts.
  • As per my experience i can say  having your protein after your workouts is more important, as your muscles need nutrients to repair whatever muscles are torn out during an heavy workout.
  • In case your are over weight or your body has more fat accumulated and you a good meal in last 3- 4  hours, then your body really don't need protein shake before workout as  your body has energy stored up and ready to burn.
  • In case your are very lean and/or cutting calories to drop some weight, then you are likely to show up at the gym with no energy. To prevent this, take 10 to 25 grams of protein 30 to 60 minutes before going to the gym. This does not need to be 100% protein, and it would even be good to have some carbs in there to help make you feel pumped in the gym.
  • That being said, I should probably start taking a little protein with two bananas before I go to the gym in the morning and  because my body has fasted for 6 to 8 hours during my sleep.

If your are looking for natural veg protein sources you can refer High Protein Vegetarian Food Sources...

Hope this helps ..In case our any comments, any suggestion required or any improvement needed from our side, Please drop your queries in comment section our team will get back to you.

Motivation Mantra #14


Saturday 21 November 2015

Why Healthy Breakfast Is Important ?????

I received same question from many of my subscribers that "Does skipping breakfast helps in weight loss"

I found is very difficult to answer as some of the studies suggest you should never skip breakfast but some of the studies suggest skipping break fast also helps in weight loss.
After doing lot of analysis facts comparison, Finally came to an conclusion that whether you’re trying to lose weight, get in shape or just live a healthier life, eating healthy breakfast provides a variety of benefits.


In morning there is a gap of approximately 10-12 hours from your last meal and then also if you skip your breakfast your glucose levels starts  dropping. When this happens, your body compensates by releasing the glucose that has been stored in your muscle tissue and liver, called glycogen.

Once all the energy from the glycogen stored is used up, the body breaks down fatty acids to produce energy. Without carbohydrates, fatty acids are only partially oxidized, which can cause reduced energy levels.

Break Fast  words itself implies to "break the fast" which your are maintaining from your last night meal i.e dinner.

So here are the benefits of having a healthy breakfast in morning.

1: Provides energy for rest of the day

Breakfast acts as providing fuel to body and brain after an 10 to 12 hours of long fast, without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the your bike with no petrol on it.

Apart from giving you energy to start a new day, breakfast is also linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance.

Breakfast food are good source of nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre.  Body need these nutrients at the very start of the day, if they are missed during the morning breakfast , there are very less chances that these nutrients are compensated in other meals .

As our breakfast mostly includes fruits and vegetables and these fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals .

2: Reduced hunger

 Eating healthy breakfast reduces your hunger in rest part of the day, which make it easier to avoid overeating junk food such as snacks, cold drinks . When you skip breakfast, you may feel loss of energy and hungry and in order to find a quick fix you might opt vending machine candy or doughnuts. 

In addition, the prolonged fasting that occurs when you skip breakfast can increase your body's insulin response, which in turn increases fat storage and weight gain.

3: Increases body Metabolism 

When you sleep, your metabolism tends to slow down. The only way to jump start your metabolism for the day is to start off right with a healthy breakfast. This will allow your body to start burning through calories from the very beginning of the day, rather than in the middle of it after you've eaten lunch.

4: Weight Loss

Greatest benefits of eating breakfast every morning is, you can lose weight by doing so. In one recent study, people who ate breakfast as their largest meal lost an average of 17.8 pounds over three months. 
The best part is, even if you eat too much or have something a little unhealthy, you still have the entire day to make up for it. Eating breakfast every morning is one of the easiest ways to lose weight and eat healthier.
Having healthy breakfast make you feel feel that will avoid you to have junk snacks, cold drinks etc, thus helping you in having balance calories intake .

5 Increases concentration level

Researchers have found people who never skip their very first meal of the day have more concentration level as compared to people who missed their breakfast.

Eating breakfast improves your thinking ability and keeps you at top mental performance. It provides your brain with fuel to enhance problem solving and memory retention.
Protein rich breakfast also helps in maintaining blood sugar levels normal and allow optimal cognitive function throughout the day.

6:  Crucial For Pregnant Womens

Breakfast is crucial for pregnant women, who are supporting the additional calorie needs of a growing fetus. For this population, “Breakfast is a vital meal to start the day with the proper balance of calories and nutrients,” Hendel says.

Specifically, breakfast can boost calcium and folic acid intake, both of which are imperative to a healthy pregnancy. Women who are pregnant require a higher-than-normal calcium intake, since a growing baby leeches calcium from their bones; plus folic acid helps prevent neural tube deformities..

So be good to yourself and eat healthy breakfast, as it will make you feel much better throughout the day.


You can refer our Breakfast recipes , Diet Plan , Home Remedies for Weight Loss.

In case our any comments, any suggestion required or any improvement needed from our side, Please drop your queries in comment section our team will get back to you.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Exercise Workout Plan.. Stay Healthy And Fit

Exercise Workout Plan

Friday 13 November 2015

Motivation Mantra #13

Nothing is Impossible, its up to you how you want to transform yourself

fitness motivation

Thursday 12 November 2015

Benefits of Eating paneer

Paneer is one of the most varied and fascinating of dairy products used in India also called as Indian cheese. It can be produced from the milk of Goat, Cow,Buffalo or sheep.

So here we are going to list out the numerous health benefits associated with it, as now a days people are more health conscious as compared to past and there are many rumors spread that eating paneer is bad for health and it adds on to your calories.

For once, let us discuss at the positives of this most lovable Indian food item

1: High Protein Diet
Paneer is high in protein(Contains 18.3 gm of protien per 100gm ), having monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat which helps in lowering the body weight, managing weight as well as reducing the risk of insulin resistance syndrome.

2: Helps in burning fat
Apart from being rich in protein and calcium, paneer is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid — a fatty acid which helps lose weight by increasing the fat burning process in the body.

3:Improves Metabolism
Paneer has  high level of dietary fibers which helps in digestion by improving the metabolism thus helps in reducing the weight.

4:Builds stronger teeth
Paneer also has calcium apart from protein. This helps in building stronger teeth and bones to a certain extent.

5: Prevent stomach disorders
 Paneer has capability to prevent stomach disorders and even help with your bones as you get older, especially in women.

6: Prevents from Cancer
It is the good source of high quality protein which reduces the risk of various types of cancer such as stomach cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and etc.

7:Provides Instant Energy
Paneer is a very energetic food provides instant energy and useful after heavy workout thus has capacity to fulfill calorie requirement of the body and improves the growth and development of the bones.

Nutritional information of Paneer

100 gms of paneer made from cow milk provides

  • Protein          18.3 grms
  • Fat                  20.8 grms
  • Mineral          2.6   grms
  • Carbohydrates  1.2   grms
  • Energy          265  kcal
  • Calcium       208  mgs
  • Phosphorous 138   mgs

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Motivation Mantra #12

Believe In Yourself


Tuesday 10 November 2015

High Protein Vegetarian Food Sources....

Most of the time people ask can a vegetarian build up a strong body, if yes then what are the high protein sources.

So dear friends it's not true you cannot grow with an vegetarian diet since it has a wide variety of available proteins and also includes milk.

It doesn't matter whether you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian, what matters is right diet, positive mindset and lot of motivation.

So here i am going to list out few high rich protein sources for vegetarian .

You can refer our previous article in case you need a  Balance Diet Plan

  • Milk: If you can digest milk , consume around 1 to 2 litre in 2 to 3 shifts a day, either in morning or evening. Mix with some protein supplements like Protinex or Nestle Resource High Protein. Both are great sources, and palatable. ( 25 gm protein ).
  • Eat pulses, rajma, chickpeas with chapati, these are easily available in market at cheaper rates.
  • You can have milk with black Chickpeas soaked in water. Chickpeas are high in protein contains 20gm protein in 100gm of chickpeas.
  • Drink Soya milk once a day , natural flavor ( 200ml pack has 7 gm protein , low calorie ).
  • Use  multi grain flour chapati's ( Soya, barley,maize).
  • You can have raw paneer or paneer curries  as paneer is high in protein contains 20gm protein in 100gm .
  • Chapati has protein,salads have protein,oatmeal has protein, muesli has protein. Generate combinations as per your taste.
  • Include a whey protein shake ( 2 scoops a day, one scoop contain 25 gm of protein ). But start whey protein shake after 2 -3 months of workout.
  • Peanut butter : High protein content and a great source of good fats.

So don't think you are vegan, work hard , stay motivated , changes will be visible...

Other Articles:

Monday 9 November 2015

Motivation Mantra #11


Fitness Motivation

Sunday 8 November 2015

Biceps Workout for Men...

When it comes to Biceps workout, I think every one love to do biceps workout and everyone want to have big Biceps.

Before we go into  more details, if you are looking for a Gym workout plan  or in case looking for Gym Beginners guide, please read our blog articles.

Muscular arms shows you more fit and you don't want to miss any change to show them off anytime , anywhere  ... :):)

So i have listed down best arm muscles workout, follow them as per instruction, if you want to have big size biceps then don't stop when they're tired- hit them some more.

So here is the list of the biceps exercises that you need to be do in order to build up good sizable arms.

1: Barbell Curl 

This is the very first exercise that you need to start with, this exercise primarily targets your bicep and forearm muscles. During this exercise bicep and forearm muscles are mainly involved in weight lifting activity, some other muscles are also involved but they play a role of a supporter in lifting and balancing weight.

How to do this exercise:

    Barbell Curl excercise
  • Grasp the barbell rod with a shoulder width grip.
  • Grasp the rod with underhand grip and stand straight and maintain gap with in your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Now move the rod towards chest following an arc keeping your elbows fixed at same placed next to sides.
  • Bring up the the rod close to chest as much as you can squeezing the arm muscles, then slowly take it down, please don't leave it suddenly, more slow you do more good biceps you will achieve.
  • You can go for 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions.
Things to avoid while doing this exercise
  • Don't lean back too much while lifting weight.
  • Don't jerk your body while lifting weight, jerks while lifting can cause sores in you muscles and you may get pain .
  • Don't over do this exercise, have some fix target and try to achieve it in a best way. 

2: Bicep Cable Curls

 This exercise is similar to barbell curl exercise but this exercise provides constant resistance throughout the entire range of motion. This exercise involves the primary elbow flexors, the brachialis and biceps brachii. 

For doing this exercise you need you need a cable station which is a resistance machine that has an adjustable cable that you can attach different bars and other attachments to including a V-bar, rope, straight bar and other apparatus as per your choice.

The purpose of the biceps cable curl exercise is to strengthen the biceps while promoting hypertrophy (increases in size) of the biceps.

How to do this exercise:

  • Attach a straight bar attachment to a low pulley cable.
  • Grasp the rod with underhand grip and stand straight and maintain gap with in your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Now let the bar hang till the length of your arms keeping your body straight and keeping upper arms tucked against torso and perpendicular to the floor.
  • Bring up the the rod close to chest as much as you can squeezing the arm muscles, then slowly take it down, please don't leave it suddenly, more slow you do more good biceps you will achieve.
  • You can go for 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions.

Things to avoid while doing this exercise
  • Don't lean back too much while lifting weight.
  • Don't jerk your body while lifting weight, jerks while lifting can cause sores in you muscles and you may get pain .
  • Do not hold your breath. exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase.
  • Please don't not swing the rod while you are lifting the rod up.
  • Don't over do this exercise, have some fix target and try to achieve it in a best way. 

3: Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls.

This is an strength building exercise, performing this exercise in an alternating manner ensures muscular balance on both sides of the body and this exercise need to be performed in a controller manner.

How to do this exercise:

  • Hold the dumbbell in both hands, facing your palm upwards.
  • Stand straight and maintain gap with in your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Make sure dumbbell should not touch your body.
  • Now slowly raise the dumbbell up as far as possible.
  • Squeeze the biceps hard, and then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
  • Then perform the same activity with another hand.
  • You can go for 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions.
Things to avoid while doing this exercise

  • Don't lean back too much while lifting dumbbell.
  • Don't jerk or give momentum to your body while lifting weight, jerks while lifting can cause sores in you muscles and you may get pain .
  • Do not hold your breath. Exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase.
  • Please don't not swing the your body while you are lifting the rod up.
  • Don't over do this exercise, have some fix target and try to achieve it in a best way. 
Note: you can do the same exercise in an incline bench , same steps need to followed as mentioned above.

4: Standing Alternate Hammer Dumbbell Curls.

This is also an strength building exercise, performing this exercise in an alternating manner ensures muscular balance on both sides of the body and this exercise need to be performed in a controller manner.
How to do this exercise
  • Hold the dumbbell in both hands with a overhand grip, with your palm facing sides.
  • Stand straight and maintain gap with in your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Make sure dumbbell should not touch your body.
  • Now slowly raise one dumbbell until forearm is vertical and thumb faces shoulder.
  • Squeeze the biceps hard, and then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
  • Then perform the same activity with another hand.
  • You can go for 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions.
Things to avoid while doing this exercise

  • Don't lean back too much while lifting dumbbell.
  • Don't jerk or give momentum to your body while lifting weight, jerks while lifting can cause sores in you muscles and you may get pain .
  • Do not hold your breath. Exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase.
  • Please don't not swing the your body while you are lifting the rod up.
  • Don't over do this exercise, have some fix target and try to achieve it in a best way. 

5: Concentration Dumbbell Curl

A concentration curl is a resistance exercise, this exercise primarily targets your  elbow flexors, the brachialis and biceps brachii.

For doing this exercise you need sit at the end of the flat bench with a dumbbell, while doing this exercise the exercising arm is supported on the inner thigh. By doing this you can isolate the contraction of the biceps, one arm at a time, effectively.

How to do this exercise
  • Sit at the end of the flat bench with a dumbbell.
  • Make sure height of the bench should be approximately 6 inches wider than shoulder width.
  • Grasp a dumbbell with a closed, supinated grip(palm should face upward).
  • Now rest your elbow on the inside of your thigh letting the dumbbell hang.\
  • Start the exercise with your arm fully extended and slowly curl the dumbbell up as far as possible.
  • Squeeze the bicep hard, and then slowly lower it back to the starting position.
  • Then perform the same activity with another hand.
  • You can go for 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions.
Things to avoid while doing this exercise
  • Don't jerk your body while lifting weight, jerks while lifting can cause sores in you muscles and you may get pain .
  • Do not hold your breath. Exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase.
  • Please don't not swing the rod while you are lifting the rod up.
  • Don't over do this exercise, have some fix target and try to achieve it in a best way.


The preacher curl is one of the most popular bicep building exercises. This is exercise does a great job isolating the biceps and preventing cheating. When done properly, the preacher curl is a great arm building exercise. 

How to do this exercise
  • Sit on preacher bench placing back of arms on pad.
  • Adjust the seat of bench allowing your arm pits to be in perfect rest position.
  • Now lean over the bench and grab curl bar approximately 6 inches apart with palm facing upwards.
  •  Keep your lower back straight when you pick up the bar to avoid injury.
  • Now raise bar until forearms are vertical and squeeze the bicep hard.
  • Slowly lower it back to the starting position until your arms are fully extended
  • Repeat the same activity with another hand.for 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions.
Things to avoid while doing this exercise
  • Don't jerk your body while lifting weight, jerks while lifting can cause sores in you muscles and you may get pain .
  • Do not hold your breath. Exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase.
  • Please don't not swing the rod while you are lifting the rod up.
  • Don't over do this exercise, have some fix target and try to achieve it in a best way.
Note: You can do the same exercise with the help of dumbbells by performing this activity alternatively with both arms.

There are many other biceps exercises, the above listed one are the best one , if there exercises are done properly as per instruction results are awesome.

Other Articles :

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Motivation Mantra #10



Tuesday 3 November 2015

Motivation Mantra #9



How to gain weight naturally?????????????

As most of the time we heard people are asking how to reduce weight, but there are many lean people in this world who genuinely wants to add some extra pounds of weight to their body.

Stop-Junk-FoodMany of us think simple solution for this problem is to "eat whatever you want", but if you want to gain weight, don't rely on high-calorie junk foods that aren't nutritious. Choose foods that are nutrient-dense and energy-dense whenever possible.

The best way to gain weight is to include healthy and nutritious products in your meal plans. Here are some healthy foods that we are going to suggest you that will  help you in gaining body weight.

1: Corn Bread.

Corn bread is rich in carbohydrates, and one piece of it contains approximately 328 calories.
2: Cheese 
Cheese is concentrated milk, so it is high in protein, calcium, fat, cholesterol and cheese calories.
Cheese are high in fat and protein  thus, helps to gain weight. It can be added to any of your meal making it delicious.

3:Bananas and dried fruits
One banana contains approximately 100 calories. Not only are bananas rich in carbs and nutritious, they're also great for workout fuel.
You can gain quick calories by eating dried fruits instead of fresh fruits because they have more calories and are still very nutritious.

4:  Potatoes and beans
Potatoes are rich sources of carbohydrates and complex sugars. Consume as grilled or baked potatoes for quick weight gain. Beans are good protein substitutes for vegetarians.


5:Lean Red Meat and salmon
If you are putting hard to gain weight then enjoy some lean red meat. Steak contains a ton of protein and iron. But food experts warn that not all steak cuts are made equal. You want the fatty cuts where
the meat is marbled. These cuts of meat will contain more calories, but they’ll also be way more delicious too. It is high in cholesterol and thus it’s not healthy. To increase weight and proper protein collection, two portions of salmon should be taken every day.

6. Whole Fat Milk
Dietitians say that when trying to gain weight substitute the skim milk with whole fat milk as it is high in vitamin D and A. Even you should enjoy your cereals or coffee with this milk.

7: Vegetable Oils and nuts
Many vegetable based oils also have concentrated flavor, so you can use less when cooking. Also, oils are safe to use as it doesn’t burn at high temperatures, unlike butter which burn.Nuts are a great snack for gaining weight. According to foodies, they are full of fat and nutrients, but also contain a great deal of fiber. Eating only a handful of nuts can keep you full for hours. Not all nuts are equal for fiber though.


8: Whole Wheat Bread
From childhood we are eating white bread only but it is not good for your health. Instead of it eat whole grain bread as it consists of fibers and minerals and makes you full for longer time.


9:Tropical Fruit and Avocado 

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but tropical fruit can help you gain weight. Fruits like mango, papaya, bananas, and pineapple are high in sugars and help to gain weight. You can also enjoy a shake or smoothie with this fruits.
 One half of an avocado contains 140 calories, but also contains high levels of potassium, folic acid, and vitamin E. Avocado also is filled with B vitamins.


10: Whole eggs
It is economical and loaded with protein, vitamins A,D, E and good cholesterol. Eggs are all-natural and provide one of the highest quality proteins of any food available.

One egg provides more than six grams of protein, or 13 percent of the recommended Daily Value (DV). Egg whites contain more than half (four of the six grams) of an egg’s protein

The above mentioned healthy food will not only help you in gaining body weight and also provides all nutrients required for body.

"Eat clean and stay fit"

Thursday 29 October 2015

Motivation Mantra #8


Wednesday 28 October 2015

Motivation Mantra #7



Tuesday 27 October 2015

Motivation Mantra #6

Stop Wishing Start Doing

Fitness Motivation

Recipes #1 ... Morning Breakfast ... Oats with Milk .

As we all know that breakfast is one of the most important meal of the day. It not only gives energy to your body but taking proper breakfast daily is linked with many health benefits like weight control and lowers body cholesterol levels.

So, I will begin this blog stating how to prepare one of the best and easiest recipes for your daily breakfast. i.e. Oats with Milk 

Recipe benefits we will discuss later, first let's understand how to prepare this recipe and what all ingredients are required.... OK lets start... :)

Milk- with-Oats- RecipeIngredients Required.

  • One glass Skimmed milk
  • Quaker Oats – 1/2 cup (or White Oats)
  • Sugar – 1 Tbsp
  • Apple – 1/2 chopped in to small pieces.
  • Banana – 1 small sized (Optional)

How to Prepare
  • Chopped the fruits in to small pieces, you can add more fruits as per your choice,
  • Boil the milk, once it is boiled add the oats in to milk, then add sugar in to that.
  • Transfer the above cooked oats with milk to a serving bowl. 
  • Leave the mixture to cool for 2-3 minutes.
  • Now add all the chopped dry fruits in to that.
Now your fresh and healthy Oats breakfast is ready ...Enjoy... :):)

Benefits of Oats with Milk :
  • Oats are whole grains and a very rich source of nutrients.
  • Oats are also high in fibre, intake of small cup of Oats with Milk will make you fill up with out intake of extra calories.
  • Oats are rich in Protein and Iron that helps you in building lean and fit body.
  • Oats can enhance the immune system, prevent cardiovascular diseases, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, provide strength and energy from natural plant proteins and sugars, and improve the health of your skin and hair.

Monday 26 October 2015

FitnessTips #2

 Runners: Listen up! Land softly! Many runners strike heels first, then roll to their toes, but at top speeds, the impact puts extra pressure on your knees. During faster intervals, concentrate on landing on your mid foot or the pad of your forefront.


Motivation Mantra #5


Fintess Motivation Push Upurself

Sunday 25 October 2015

Beginners Men's Workout At Gym

So Finally you came out from your comfort zone and decided to sweat , ya Sound's too good.But are you ready with your Beginner workout plan .!!!!!!!

Before we go into  more details, if you are looking Guide for very First day, please read our blog article.

As there are many people with desire to have a fit and strong body but without know-how and lift-up methods, working on every exercises ,every day and hoping something will happen.

Dear friends nothing will happen if you try do each and every exercise , only thing will happen you will quit the gym ..

Fortunately, you are with FitnessMantrahub  and won't be making those same mistakes.

Here's the info you need to understand before you get started.

1) Perform workout for 4 days in a week for one month and resting one day at least in between workout session.

Workout Schedule:
Workout Begining

Monday:       Workout A
Tuesday:       Off-rest day
Wednesday:  Workout B
Thursday:     Off-rest day
Friday :         Workout A  
Saturday :     Off-rest day
Sunday :        Cardio Exercises

Follow the above schedule for one week then change the Workout order apart from Cardio exercises, Next week you can begin with Workout B.

Now you will be amaze what is Workout A and Workout B. Lets start what are these workout.

The most important thing you need to follow before starting your every day workout, you need to do a proper warm up exercise  or stretching exercise. By performing 5-10 minutes of any warm-up exercise that works the large muscles of the body, increasing blood flow and warming the muscles themselves.

 Workout Plan A:

1: Seated Dumbbell Press
      3 sets with 5 -8 reps
       Take one minute rest between each set
2: Bench Press
      3 sets with 5 -8 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.
3: Standing Dumbbell Press-Biceps
      3 sets with 5 -8 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.
4: Calf Raises
      3 sets with 5 -8 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.

 Workout Plan B:

1: Pull-Ups 
      3 sets with 2-5 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.
2: Squats
      3 sets with 5 -8 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.
3: Triceps-Pulling Down
       3 sets with 5 -8 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.
4: Rows
      3 sets with 5 -8 reps
      Take one minute rest between each set.

Above mentioned two workout plans are balanced workout plans , that will cover most part of your body.

Workout plan A covers. 

  • First exercise will cover your shoulder part and is one of the best shoulder exercises for developing all heads of the shoulders.
  • Second Exercise will cover your chest part and this exercise is  the standard measure for strength and will help you in developing more body strength.
  • Third Exercise will help your Arms in getting strength 
  • Fourth Exercise exercise will benefit your calf muscles in the back of your lower leg, as well as your Achilles tendons. This additional strength helps prevent leg and ankle injuries.

Workout plan B covers. 

  • First exercise Pull ups is one of the hardest exercises you can do, but also provides you with the greatest benefits to your back and upper body
  • Second Exercise is one  of the best exercises for you, whether you’re trying to build muscle or lose weight (or both) HAS to be the squat.
  • Third Exercise will help your Arms in getting strength .
  • Fourth Exercise is one of the best exercise  as this activates muscles throughout the whole body and burns a ton of calories in the process.

Soon we will be mentioning more details of each exercise in our next post. Request you to please be patience till that time...... :):)

It is recommended that for the first few week or you can say for a month, beginners must follow strict routine, and try to learn the basic movements for each exercise as all are new to you.

Some times  your co-ordination may get wrong , but don't worry take rest and Keep practicing and rehearsing the movement pattern until you learn how to do it perfectly, don't focus on number of sets, focus on the correct coordination and proper way of doing. As a beginner, you should be able to progress like this consistently for quite a while, partly because you are starting a little lighter to master proper form, and partly because beginners are just more capable of progressing at a more consistent rate than anyone else.

It's a request from all beginners don't over do any exercise, or don't try to add something more advanced in the workout plan as your body is not use to of such kind of activities, and you may get cramps in your body that may lead to serious consequences.for better results do it as it is mentioned in workout plan.

After one month you can increase numbers of repetition and weight as your body had stamina to start advance level or workout plan.

So that's it guys follow the plans mentioned above and start developing your body strength to make your body to accept the beginning of  advance level workout plan.

We will be posting advance level of workout plan in our next blog.

If you are  looking for Beginners diet plan , or in case looking for Reducing weight naturally , please refer our blog articles.

In case of any queries or any support needed in understanding workout plan or any improvement ideas, suggestions, please put your queries in comments section we will get back to you for sure .

Motivation Mantra #4

  Every Journey Begins With a Single Step. But YOU'LL Never Finish , If You Don't Start.

Fitness Motivation

Saturday 24 October 2015

FitnessTips #1

Follow the 80/20 rule : 

Eat healthy 80 percent of the time. Indulge occasionally, but make sure most of your choices are healthy.

The Very First Day at Gym......

So finally you have decided to come out from your comfort zone and looking forward to your very first day at gym.
Before coming to gym you will be having some glamorous thoughts, that you will do this, that and trainer will help you something like that....

First Day at Gym no ExcusesBut things will be different when you enter the very first day at gym, it might be very scary for the Gym Virgins, new faces, machines will be every where, everyone will be doing different stuff.If you’re going to the gym for the first time, there are a lot of things you should know.

But don't worry , we are here with  all the stuff ready to make your day awesome. lets start one by one ......

a) Don' t forget to bring Water bottle filled with Glucose Mixture

 As this is your first day at gym , you are going to do some activities that your body is not use to do,so you will be tired very early or you may sweat more , and  your body will get dehydrated.
Drinking water Mixed with Glucose
Dehydration occurs when the amount of water intake is less than amount of water leaving the body .

So water mixed will Glucose will not let your body dehydrated and you will feel energetic.

anyways drinking more water is always good for health , but don't drink too much water while you are doing exercise, take few sips of water on regular intervals to avoid dehydration in your body.

b) Look out for lockers:
First thing once you enter to gym , is to search for lockers so that you can keep all your things inside locker , that are not required for your training , make your body free from the things which are not going to use while doing exercise, like keys, bags, mobile etc.

More your body is free more you will concentrate on exercise other wise you will keep on worrying that my mobile will fell down while doing exercise or some thing else....

c)  Talk to trainer and know your Basics First. 

Don't try to hurry up for exercises , first talk to trainer understand the things, As initially you don’t know how to use all the equipment, 
what weights you can handle and what are the correct postures for doing exercise.

Make sure your trainer knows that your goal is to be introduced to all the equipment and learn how to use it properly. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you pick things up and become very comfortable.

Proper understanding of gym equipment and usage will avoid your body from getting unnecessary body cramps.

 Knowing the basics before you begin will go a long way towards building your confidence, putting you at ease, and keeping you safe and healthy too.

d) Don't Over Do it on very first day

This is one of the common mistake that most of the new comers do on their first day. Plan to do work out approximately for 30 to 45 minutes rather than doing for an hour or more.

dont-overdo-Gym-excercisesAs your body is not use to for this type of sudden changes , you will feel more pain in your body on
the next very day, Pain is common once you start the gym.

So don't get afraid that your muscles feeling pain, it will be there for one week after that when your body becomes use to for such changes ,further you won't feel any body pain.

So it its suggest to do mix exercises for first two weeks with light weight, don't go for heavy weight for one month, stabilize your body , develop your body strength and then go for more

So do not push yourself in heavy weights immediately,rather go for full body work-outs for a couple of weeks (3-4) until you feel you have enough power to go to specific muscle work out.
Most important thing do not expect immediate results, it takes about 4 months to see concrete results (improvements) in your body ...

e) Don't worry what other's think about it.

I know this is the most common questions in every beginners mind ," what other will think ".I to have same question when i started my gym.But friends don't bother what other will think of you.
what other will think..Gym

You have to focus on for what reason you came here, and what are your goals and how to achieve your goals and how much hard effort you have to keep to achieve your goals.

If you able to do one set , which others are able to 10, don't worry what they are thinking about you, you just make you mind motivated , one day i  will do 10 for sure .....

f) Few Golden Rules that everyone must follow 

Golden Rules For GYM

i: Beware of Chatterers   

In every gym you will find few people who are every time looking for an opportunity to tell you every problem and drama that has ever occurred in their lives and will eat most of your Gym time, so Beware of such people..   

ii: Rack the Weights after use.

If you are done with your exercise , rack up the weight , don't simply keep the weight lying there, it some time hurt people.Simple If you pick it up, keep them back..

iii: No Sweat

If you sweat on it, wipe it with a towel. Always carry one when you gym. You definitely don’t like lying down on someone else’s sweat, nor would others like lying on yours.

iv: Respect time limits:

 During peak hours respect time limits mentioned over machine, use the machine for that time limit, don't simply sit on that machine and do chat chatting ,wasting other time.

v: Don't make Noise

It's common when people are lifting more weight ,they create some grunting short of noise or some time use abusive languages, please try to avoid this things some people won't feel comfortable with this,.

Hope with these tips, you should do well on your way to achieve perfect fitness . Not only will this help you get a better body, it will also make the gym a better place.

what exercise we need to do on very first day that we  i will post on next post...