The Do’s and Dont’s of Losing Weight That Make Dieting So Much Easier
If losing weight were easy, nobody would be overweight. Every person’s body is different, and this holds true when it comes to embarking on a weight-loss journey as well.
There is no one-fits-all routine when it comes to eating and working out to lose weight, but there are some general rules that everyone needs to know before starting their personal regimen.
With so much information out there and plenty of misconceptions, we’ve rounded up some do’s and dont’s you should consider before starting any form of dieting to reach your goals.
Do-&-Don'ts-weight-loss |
- Superfoods are the biggest key to quick and healthy weight loss. Superfoods are nothing but regular foods that have concentrated nutrients. They could be millets, seeds, certain grass varieties or even fibre-rich foods. Consume them in measured amounts every day and see your weight vanishing. Details about SuperFoods will be posted in later articles.
SuperFoods-for-Weight-Loss |
- Always drink enough water. Many times thirst is masked as hunger. So when you are hungry, try drinking water first
Drink-Enough-water |
- Always preclude lunch with salads or chewy soups. You will be tempted to eat less of rice or roti or whatever is for lunch
salads before or after meal |
- Ensure all your meals have a protein source. If any meal is lacking in it, thrown in an egg or dal preparation.Whey protein shake helps in meeting your protein recommendations. Read Rich Protein Sources , Whey Protein
Protein- Diet |
- 1 day of the week can be designated as a cheat day. It will help you get back on your diet chart for weight loss! On a cheat day, do not overindulge on sweets or fried items. If you feel like it, have a small bite sized portion to simply curb the craving.
Cheat-Day |
- Never at any point during the diet, starve yourself.
Never-Starve-yourself |
- Remember, short term thinking is not going to yield results. Hence, always focus on clean, healthy eating as suggested.
Short_term-Thinking |