Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Different Yoga Postures And Their Benefits

Different Yoga Postures And Their Benefits

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. Yoga is a great activity if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease.

 It gives you strength, flexibility, and mind-body awareness. You'll also need to do something aerobic (like walking, biking, or swimming) if you're not doing a fast-moving type of yoga.

So here in this article we are going to discuss different YOGA Postures and their benefits .

1: Vajrasana

  • 30-75 breaths : 1 round
  • Improves circulation in the lower abdomen. Prevents stiff knees and ankle joints.

How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Sit down, stretch out the legs and keep them together.
  • Fold one leg at the knee joint and place the sole under the buttock of the same side by turning it upward. Place the other sole in the same way. 
  • Make a comfortable seat, keeping the knees close together. Place the palms on the respective knees; keep the spine straight. 
  • Drop the eye-lids. 
  • Relax the body and feel the breathe.

2: Bhujangasana

  • 5-10 breaths : 3-5 rounds.
  • It builds a healthy upper spine. 
  • Relieves pains at the upper spine to overwork.
  • It adjusts the spinal column if there is any slight displacement. 
  • It can cure the tendency of flatulence immediately after the meals.
How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Lie on the check, resting forehead on the ground.
  • Keep the palms on the ground by the side of the chest. 
  • Lift the head. Take it back fully. 
  • Raise the upper part of the body up to the naval. 
  • Gaze upwards. Maintain this position for a few breaths. 
  • Come down gradually in the reverse order. Rest and relax.

3: Shalabhasana

  • 5-10 breaths : 3-5 rounds
  • Fine practice to build up a healthy pelvis and abdomen. 
  • Keep the hips in shape and strengthens the muscles of the back. 
  • The tendency of feeling flatulent a short while after the meals is cured by a regular practice.
How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Line on the chest with the chin on the ground. 
  • Keep the hands by the side of the body, closing the fingers and keeping the fist facing upwards. 
  • Raise both the legs backwards and upwards according to capacity.
  •  Do not bend the knees. Breathing should be normal. 
  • Retain this position according to capacity. 
  • Come down slowly and relax.

4: Dhanurasana

  • 3-10 breaths : 3-5 rounds.
  • Builds strong abdomen and elastic recti muscles. 
  • The spine is bent back to the maximum and as a result, circulation in the spine is improved and the spine becomes more elastic. 
  • Certain types of pains in the back and lumber regions and rigidity of the spine can be cured.
How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Lie prone with the chin on the ground and hands by the side of the body. 
  • Bend the knees and catch the ankles. 
  • Try to get the legs back and up with the head and the chest up. 
  • Secure a greater curve and get the pressure on the abdomen. 
  • Retain the posture for a few breaths. 
  • Relax the legs and let both the extremities come down on the ground slowly.

5: Halasana

  • 10-20 breaths : 1 round
  • Maintains elasticity of the spine and keeps the spine nerves in perfect health. 
  • Develops strong abdominal muscles. 
  • Takes care of the thyroid, Dyspepsia, flatulence and constipation can be treated by this pose. 
  • Enlarged liver and spleen can be reduced by this pose. 
  • It is also useful in certain types of diabetes.
How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Lie on the back with hands stretched by the side of the body. 
  • Raise the legs gradually and slowly up to 90 degree.
  •  Move the legs towards the head till you touch the ground with toes. 
  • Rest a few breathes. 
  • Move toes further away from head, breath. Again rest. 
  • Bend the hands and prepare a finger lock encircling the head. 
  • Move the toes again further away as you can. 
  • Rest a few breathes. 
  • Maintain this and then come back to the original position in the reverse order and relax.

6: Paschimottanasana

  • 15-50 breaths : 1 round
  • It is fine posterior stretch. 
  • It builds strong abdominal muscles. 
  • The lumbo sacral region gets richer supply of blood and pelvic organs are toned up. 
  • Constipation, dyspepsia, seminal weakness and back pain can be treated.
How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Sit down with legs stretched out. 
  • Bend index fingers to form hooks. 
  • Catch hold of the corresponding big toes with these hooks. 
  • Bend the upper part of the body from trunk on wards and let the forehead touch the knees with the elbows to the ground. 
  • Relax and retain the pose for some time. 
  • Come back to the original position by taking the head up and relieving the hold of the toes.

7: Sarvangasana


  • 15-80 breathes : 1 round.
  • Maintains healthy thyroid and consequently the whole body remains healthy. 
  • It influences sex glands beneficially. 
  • Immediate old age, seminal weakness, dyspepsia and constipation can be effectively controlled and treated.
  • Viparit Karini: Beneficial to female constitution. 
  • It mainly affects the gonad and adrenal glands.
  • Shirshasana: Functions of the brain, Sense organs become efficient. 
  • The pituitary, thyroid and para-thyroid get a rich supply of blood and excretions get regulated. 
  • Influences nervous system, endocrine glands.
  • Useful in curing neurasthenia, dyspepsia, constipation, congested throat, congested liver and spleen, visceroptosis, hernia, seminal weakness and asthma of the nervous and hepatic types.

How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Lie on back, keep legs together and hands by side of the body. 
  • Raise both the legs slowly up to 90 degree. 
  • Move legs upwards lifting trunk up with support of the hands. Make body straight from neck to toes. 
  • The whole weight of body will be on the neck and shoulders. 
  • Support the back with palms like brackets.

8: Shavasana


  • 30-75 breathes : 1 round.
  • Removes all types of mental, physical tensions and rejuvenates the mind and the body. 
  • Insomnia and hypertension can be treated. 
  • Rehabilitation of patients who have had a heart attack can be rapidly secured by its practice over long period.

How to Do this Yoga Exercise:

  • Lie on back keeping little distance between the legs with hands slightly away from the body. 
  • Keep whole body comfortable position.
  •  Drop eye-lids relax. 
  • Focus the mind on movement of air that accompanies the breath and feel experience the touch of it on soft palate and the walls of the nose. 
  • Do not curb the mind. Maintain it for 5-15 minutes.

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*Article is written by taking reference from Ancient Bharat (India).
*Note: This post is not intended to take the place of a Yogic teacher or an exhausting treatise on Yoga.


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